
Active Travel



Trick or Treat Halloween 5K

Trick or Treat Halloween 5K

Have you ever thought you were doing a race, told lots of people, got your kit ready…and then realised you didn’t actually register? The lovely PR team for the Trick or Treat Run in Richmond had sent me a code to sign myself up, and I was supposed to sign...
Chicago Marathon Training Week 13

Chicago Marathon Training Week 13

Monday – Rumble class at the newly opened 1Rebel with my friend Loz before work. After work I took my favourite BarreStretch class – the ideal class after Sunday’s long run, plus I sleep really well afterwards! Tuesday – 4 x 1 mile repeats....
Chicago Marathon Training Week 12

Chicago Marathon Training Week 12

12 weeks! 12 weeks! How are we 12 weeks into marathon training? This week has been full of ups and downs. I’ve had two long runs this week, a lot of icing and foam rolling, and a little bit of shin pain. I’ve had a physio session and another sports massage...

How I’m Running Faster

When I first started running a 10 minute mile seemed really fast. I would try to stick to that pace on training runs but often couldn’t keep it up during long runs and races. I finished 3 half marathons in 2.18, 2.17 and 2.15, and ran my first marathon in...