
Active Travel



Tokyo Marathon Race Recap

I felt strangely calm on race morning, despite waking up with jet lag and nerves at 1.45am, when by 6.30 am I was feeling surprisingly relaxed. Anna did my hair in two braids and I got my kit on. I’d laid it out the night before to avoid as much race day stress as...
Ready to Race Again

Ready to Race Again

How long does it take after crossing the finish line before you start thinking of your next race? For me it depends on how well the race has gone, how much pain I was in and what the outcome is. There were moments during the Boston Marathon where I swore I would never...
Chicago Marathon 2015 Race Recap

Chicago Marathon 2015 Race Recap

Why is it so much harder to write a race recap about a run that didn’t go to plan? I think it’s easy to give excuses as to why it didn’t go right, however let me just say that it wasn’t my day. But lets start at the beginning. Our hotel was a 10 minute walk to the...
3 Day a week Marathon Training Plan

3 Day a week Marathon Training Plan

I love running and I actually really like marathon training- the routine, structure and of course, ticking off each workout. However, a lot of training plans call for 5-6 runs a week which I hate. I know my body doesn’t respond well to running so much, plus I get...
Berlin Sub 4 Marathon Training Plan: Week 10

Berlin Sub 4 Marathon Training Plan: Week 10

Monday- Errrr…Tuesday- Yasso 800s- 9 X 800m. I so, so wanted to quit during my final few but I pushed on and felt both proud and exhausted at the end. I mentioned before that my new medication is throwing me through a bit of a loop in terms of morning...