It was another gorgeous evening at the Regent’s Park track last night for the second week of the Sweaty Speed Sessions with Sweaty Betty.
We started off with a warm up, including the classic grapevine, squat jumps and skipping leaps. We concentrated on pumping our arms backwards rather than side to side to power us along.
Here is the Sweaty Speed Session workout 2;
2 X 100m sprint
2 X 200m sprint
2 X 100m sprint
with 100m walk between each sprint
We timed all four of the 100m sprints again this week, as well as timing one of the 200m sprints. If you’re completing this workout, make sure you warm up properly, add in 2 x 400m jogs at the start and end of the workout, and stretch fully afterwards!
Sweaty Speed Sessions are free track workouts for runners of all abilities (although basic fitness level is required) on a Wednesday evening at Regents Park Track at 6.30pm. Please join us next week, or try out the workout and let us know how you got on!