I recently wrote an article featuring my winter running tips and favourite cold weather running gear on runninginheels.co.uk. You can read it here!
It got me thinking about what running gear I need to update for this winter, what purchases I can make and what I should be asking for as Christmas pressies (hint, Mum!)
Under Armour Coldgear Compression Leggings– After hearing Laura and Katie rave about these, I’ve decided I must know what the fuss is all about. Described by Katie as a ‘cuddle for your legs’, these double layer insulating tights should keep me running through wind, sleet, snow and rain.
Asics Reflective Jacket-With the nights, and mornings, getting increasingly dark, it’s crucial to remain visible to other road users. This reflective vest is easy to throw on any of your running or cycling clothes and will hopefully help keep you and me safe!
Lululemon Raindrop Jacket– I tried this on in New York and wish I’d just bought it! They don’t have it on the UK site, yet, but I’m hoping it makes its way over soon. Sadly it’s missing the split in the arm for your running watch, like the one I of Leah’s that I loved.
I seem to have accumulated a number of capri leggings over the summer months, and am now struggling to find any long leggings to keep me warm. These Nike Epic Run Printed tights will add a bit of fun to the dreary winter nights. If I do sign up for the Paris Marathon (yes I am still dithering over the submit application button) then I will definitely be buying these beauties.
Adidas Boost– I LOVE my Adidas Boosts, they’ve run many miles with me, including my New York Marathon PB earlier this month. When I was in NYC I saw some of the new Boost colours that I’m hoping will make their way over here soon so that I can add a few more to my collection- got to rotate your running shoes (that’s my excuse anyway!).
Running Lessons- this might sound odd, but after attending the marathon running talk by Running School owner, Mike, I’ve wanted to see if some sessions will help me improve my running technique to make me faster, stronger and more efficient. (They’ve currently got a deal on their site where if you buy 6 lessons they’ll give you one free, however it’s still pretty pricey!)
Sweaty Bands– I bought a few of these at the NYCM expo, and am wearing them all the time, for exercising and all other times. I wish I’d bought more. The velvet underside of the headband ensures that they stay in place without slipping and the elastic isn’t too tight. Plus they come in different widths- I look ridiculous in the really wide ones! These are great little stocking fillers!
After attending the Sweaty Betty Spring/Summer launch last night, I’ve even added a few things to my wish list for next year!
I found this lovely little runnings skirt (obsessed with running skirts now), and we even found some matching capri leggings for Leah!
I also really liked this breathable run tank, it came in purple too and I have a feeling they will both be making their way into my sports drawer when they hit the shops.
Now that I’m not running so much, I’m trying to take more fitness classes, especially Barrecore. I’m hoping to do one or two classes a week to tone and lengthen my sore runners muscles. That means I need some new outfits, right?
A buff of some sort is one of my most used items, really useful and I prefer to a hat as more flexible. Other than that I’m hankering after some new gloves as mine have a nice hole in them 🙂
Couldn’t agree more on these two items! ESSENTIAL! 🙂
I went in store to buy the Leg A See tights from Nike (I wanted the London ones) and was less than impressed. Not running tights at all – they are cottony wear-around-the-house thin leggings. Walked out empty handed after that!
maybe we should get some hoodies made?
I am waiting on a parcel coming with thermal tights and top. This is my first year running, and as I’m in Dundee its a bit chilly! I bought a ronhill neck warmer thingy yesterday and actually didn’t want to take it off! I would really like those epic run leggings, I saw some in the Nike store and they were so soft! I think i’ll need to put all sorts of running gear on my Christmas list now that you’ve given me all these ideas!
Anna x
wow yes Dundee must be pretty cold! Christmas lists are a great idea- I include links for my mum!
So much temptation on this page!! Christmas list is extending ha! Earwarmer/Buff are must have winter essentials for me. I need a new thermal base layer as well.
try Uniqlo for cheap warm baselayers!