I do it because as soon as I cross the finish line, I feel amazing. Usually there’s a well deserved medal to hang around my neck with pride, which definitely helps ease the pain. Yesterday morning’s race actually finished with a mug (that I nearly forgot to collect), not quite as good as a medal but you better believe it’s going to have pride of place on my desk. Plus everyone at the tea station will be hearing about the race, whether they want to or not.
Charlie and I had a carb filled Saturday evening and an movie night before our early start. Having discovered that the first tube didn’t leave early enough, we hopped in a taxi to the start of the Wholefoods Breakfast Run in Kingston. Both of us planning on running the 16 miler as our last marathon training long run. We planned it perfectly, arriving with just enough time for bag drop, a loo stop and to get in our start area.
It was a little chilly but the sun soon came out. Charlie and I lost each other almost immediately, but since our pace plans were a little different I wasn’t too fussed.
The race was two 8.1 mile loops, starting in Kingston, heading along the Thames before heading down a busy road and through some less attractive residential areas. We ran past Hampton Court Palace, in the opposite direction to the Hampton Court Half. Thankfully it was quite a lot more attractive than the exact same route in October last year, where it poured with rain for 3 plus hours!
Running along the river is my absolute favourite. Or any water for that matter.
I was hoping to keep my pace around a 9-9.10min mile, but not push it too hard. During a run with Tom on Saturday my knee had been twinging, and with only 2 weeks to go until Paris, I don’t want to risk it. I listened to my audiobook again, ‘The Invention of Wings’ and just kept my head down.
With about 5 miles to go I heard someone call my name, and was thrilled to see Billie wearing a very fetching Lulu skirt. We quickly and easily fell into step with each other and ran the final miles together. It definitely made the last 5 miles less painful, and distracted us from our pace. Billie’s running Paris too and going for a similar goal to me so I’m hoping that we can meet up and run together. We’ve even got very similar outfits planned- running skirts all the way!
Such a gorgeous morning for a final long run, and a solid effort finishing with an average pace of 8.54 min miles. We were so lucky with the weather- it started hailing about 30 mins after we finished. The race was well organised with lovely marshals, however there was a lack of loos at the start and on the course. Great goody bags from Wholefoods although they didn’t quite make up for the medal…
What is your favourite part and worst part about racing? I hate the whole bathroom ordeal, but love the feeling after crossing the finish line.
Thank you Human Race for my entry to the Wholefoods Breakfast Race- all opinions and pre-race butterflies are my own. Thank you to Charlie for carb loading like a champ with me on Saturday!
I would have liked to get a medal instead of a mug, you can’t hang a mug on the wall so easily. I enjoyed the race (only doing the 8 mile option), but I’d consider doing the longer option in October if they do it again (and I get a medal!!!).