Sep 13, 2014 | Uncategorized
One of my problems is I get major FOMO. Serious fear of missing out, which is how I managed to sign myself up to two spinning classes last Wednesday. The first was a 7.30am class at EdgeCycle, a brand new spinning class based near Chancery Lane in the central London...
Jun 12, 2012 | Uncategorized
I have read a lot about body pump before, without actually working out WHAT body pump is. All I have gathered was that it was a weights class where you did squats and lunges- no biggie right. Wrong. A couple of weeks ago, I dragged my colleague, Monaz, to use some of...
Jun 12, 2012 | Uncategorized
I have read a lot about body pump before, without actually working out WHAT body pump is. All I have gathered was that it was a weights class where you did squats and lunges- no biggie right. Wrong. A couple of weeks ago, I dragged my colleague, Monaz, to use some of...