
Active Travel



Snapchat: to Snap or not to Snap?

Jun 19, 2016 | life updates | 11 comments


Who’s on Snapchat?

It seems like its everyone’s favourite social media account at the moment, and I have to say, for a short while I was a little addicted.

But then it started to get me down. See whilst I know that instagram is the perfectly curated version of someone’s life (although why there’s not a filter that allows me to remove my bright red post-bootcamp face, I don’t know) – snapchat is supposed to be the opposite. It’s supposed to show “REAL” life.

It doesn’t.

OK, yes, there are a lot more behind the scenes style shots, and the post workout selfies are a little more realistic, unless you put the flower halo filter on, obviously. However, I feel like from some it can come across as even more of #humblebrag about your life – with hauls (both bought and freebies), rants, outfits, designer items, events etc. It can bring out the comparison trap for me. Oh and I just don’t understand some of the filters!

And then there’s the d**k pics. NOT OK.

Of course this isn’t the case all the time (luckily the aforementioned pics are few and far between). I do genuinely enjoy following some people on Snapchat including my IRL friends, seeing what goes on in their day to day lives.

It’s a great way to sharing info quickly and for a short period with followers. Plus as a follower myself, it does feel more personal, letting you get to know the people behind the social media accounts a little more (this is both a good and bad thing, and I’ve had to unfollow more people on Snapchat than any other platform before!)


I also love the responsiveness of the app, that I can respond to people directly, and send video and pic messages to friends/followers which is fun. Plus the nosy side of me does like to see inside people’s houses/lives!

I tend to go through waves of sharing lots on snapchat, then going cold turkey with the app for a few days/weeks. Sometimes it’s because I simply forget. It’s not ingrained in me the way that Instagram and Twitter are, and often because I have no phone battery. Snapchat is the biggest phone battery suck. But other times it’s because I feel like I need a break from it. I didn’t snap our engagement at all, or go online all that much on our trip so that I could enjoy the moment in the moment rather than from behind my phone (as I usually am!)

I was told that online you either want to inform or entertain, and sometimes a pic of me sitting on the tube or watching someone say ‘I’m off to an exciting meeting’ does neither. I’d love to know your thoughts on it – love it or loathe it? And what would you LIKE to see on my snapchat?

I’m therunnerbeans there if you fancy following along at Beat the Sun with Asics because hopefully that will both entertain and inform 🙂 xx


  1. Jess

    Hi Charlie,

    I’ve just signed up for snap chat this week after resisting for a while. I have to say I’m addicted! But I’m not really planning on using it for the blog I don’t think- so far I’ve just been sending my husband stupid videos when he’s at work- our snaps always make each other laugh and feel a bit closer. I’m going to use it to send Bex snaps too while I’m in SF to make us feel closer. For me it’s just going to be for my friends and family where I expect we’ll just I continue to send each other stupid things to brighten boring work days. I’m bad enough at social media that and I don’t want to curate my life on another channel- but who knows, as I said I’m addicted already!


    • charlotte

      Haha that is a good idea! I should do that more with friends that live abroad!

  2. Laura

    I find I mostly use Snapchat with people I know. I rarely open the app unless someone has sent me something, so I don’t tend to see stories very often. Mostly I use it to send silly snaps to a few friends. And for post-workout selfies that I know they’ll enjoy but the majority of my friends/family on social media won’t!

    • charlotte

      Hahah SO true! Although my friends are so bored of my post workout selfies!

      • Laura

        My friends & I seem to be in a competition over who can be the sweatiest, reddest mess afterwards!

  3. healthyhappierbear

    I really enjoy following friends like you on Snapchat as it helps me stay updated on life and the “real life” not just the blog/insta life. But I’ve found myself unfollowing people I don’t know IRL because I just don’t care enough. 🙂

    • charlotte

      Yes that’s exactly it!

  4. San

    I signed up for an account but have yet to use it… I don’t know, the whole idea of short videos doesn’t really appeal to me TBH. I prefer photos and text over videos (since I can’t really watch anything during the day when I am at work), so it seems cumbersome to keep up with it… convince me otherwise?

    • charlotte

      I agree and am useless at taking the videos so mostly upload photos anyway. I think if you have other social channels you probably don’t need another!

  5. Rebecca

    I love your snapchat updates. You’ve attended some pretty cool events on there

  6. Nicole

    i was a late adopter, but now I go through phases when I am totally addicted!


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