I didn’t decide to write this post until I’d nearly finished the day, but at 10.15pm whilst walking the dogs at the house I nanny, I realised that days like this are more common than not. Days where there are so many random moments, that seem to be a miso-mash of all aspects of my life!
5.05am – awake. I often have low level anxiety insomnia but it is BAD at the moment. Today I wake up drenched in sweat, heart rate elevated and breathing hard. I try to go back to sleep for a little bit or just calm down thinking *nice* things until I give up and switch on a quiet podcast.
6.20am – alarm goes. Up to have coffee and do some of that tasks that I was thinking about at 5am.
7am – meet Emma for a run in Henley. I think I can safely say it’s our favourite place to run and together (and separately) we have logged a lot of miles along the river. It’s gorgeous in the early morning light and it’s fun to see the Henley Regatta staging start to take shape.
7.55am – coffee with Emma at Nero. There have been many, many occasions where we have waited outside the doors for their 7am opening time.
8am – nip into Waitrose as it opens to buy breakfast items for Tom and I.
8.30am – eat breakfast while tidying the spare room, unpacking my suitcase from Barcelona. Answer emails about upcoming blog collaborations – although to be honest, I generally do these as and when throughout the day. I try really hard to stay on top of this, as I know, if I don’t then it’s likely to slip down the pile and be forgotten about.
10.45am – go back to the Apple store in Reading for the second time in 6 days to try to figure out how to back up my computer when I can only open it to a 30 degree angle. Have a helpful conversation with an employee who admits that the computer is indeed going to cost £550+ to fix and decide that I’m just going to buy a new one. Leave my laptop with them to backup and buy a jumpsuit to wear to a friend’s wedding in a couple of weeks.
12.30pm – home, answering more emails, getting outfits ready for my photoshoot. Discover that you cannot iron Lululemon (!) – thinking about investing in a steamer.
1.30pm – lunch at home; a sandwich with bits and pieces from the fridge (sadly nothing exciting) plus yogurt and a large handful of peanut butter M&M’s from my last trip to the US (Indianapolis for the Mini Marathon – read the recap here).
2.30pm – I’m waiting for the photographer and her assistant to shoot some images on the trails and paths I run on for my book (! eek – still so excited, you can pre-order here). Unfortunately they’re running late so I do some uni work. Although I finished my final exam on Wednesday, I still have coursework deadlines up until August!
3.45pm – the photographer and assistant arrive, I meet them in the local park to take some gorgeous pics that I can’t wait to share with you all. We also shot some images down on the Thames towpath which may be my favourite. If you know me, you’ll know I’m obsessed with running by water!
6pm – catch the train to London. Have a call with Lucy, a fitness blogger and lawyer about setting up her own service, and chat through the issues I face as a blogger (late payments ALL THE TIME, contract disputes, clarification of fees etc).
6.45pm – Text the kids that I nanny about getting a takeaway for dinner which of course they are ALL OVER! They are all in the midst of exams too and so having a break from revision for a Thai and a film is just what we all need.
7.30pm – food arrives and we watch a chick flick with Reece Witherspoon.
9pm – try to help with Biology revision/worksheets, remember nothing about lizard thermogenesis…consult google secretly on my phone!
10pm – take the dogs out for a walk. (photo obviously from a different evening, was pitch black on this evening’s walk!)
10.15pm– Bed. I probably stay overnight at the house I nanny at while the Mum is away on business twice a month, although sometimes more.
Hi! There’s no link to your Indy mini recap. Are you rationing the peanut butter m&ms?