I had a lovely weekend at a friend’s house in Dorset this weekend. It was very relaxed with supper on Friday night, a pub lunch and an afternoon watching the Six Nations Rugby games in front of a fire, a boozy evening and a roast on the Sunday whilst watching Argo. A perfect way to spend the weekend with friends.
Unfortunately, not so waist-line friendly.
I wasn’t so keen on the number I saw on the scales this morning, and I realise that I have let my exercise and healthy eating habits slide a bit recently and it’s time to pick it back up, learn from those mistakes and start making healthier life choices again.
Say it, Do it:
Monday- Swiss Ball Pilates and BodyPump class (done and done!)
Tuesday- Spin Class
Wednesday-Speed workout on the treadmill
Thursday- Legs, Bums and Tums class
Friday- 3 mile run
Saturday- Rest
Sunday-Bike Ride
See through leggings: I’ve been there!