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Life Lately Catch Up: January 2020

Feb 2, 2020 | life updates, Lifestyle, Uncategorized | 2 comments

You know when you haven’t spoken to someone for a while, and you almost don’t know where to begin. That’s kind of where I feel with the blog…so much I want to say and yet, I’ve been struggling to post anything all month.

So lets just pretend we’re old friends, sitting down catching up over a cup of coffee…

Life Lately Catch Up: January 2020

Life Lately Catch Up: January 2020

I start my new job next week… 

And I am nervous. And excited.

It’s a Band 5 NHS dietitian role, full time at a hospital in London. It involves an hour drive commute each way, a 30 min lunch break (I realise I’ve been so lucky in the past to have jobs that allowed a 60 min lunch break!) and 8.30-4.30 working hours. So quite a big change from studying, working as a nanny and blogging. I actually realise how much I’ve missed the routine of a full time job, without being able to procrastinate all day and end up running on the treadmill at 11pm.

However, it’s been a year since I worked in the hospital. And when I was a student on placement, someone had to sign off all of your treatment plans. That doesn’t happen anymore!

Secondly, what do I wear?! I mean obviously, smart work attire but its been a long time since jeans/leggings and trainers weren’t acceptable daily wear. Would love some recommendations for fashion bloggers/instagrammers that share nice, simple, affordable work wear please?

I’m thrilled by the reaction to my book…

I love seeing you guys trying the recipes.

It’s out on Tuesday in the US, and I have trips to Atlanta, NYC and Boston for events. I want to do something in the UK too, but I’ll keep you posted! If you have bought a copy or pre-ordered – THANK YOU (and I would be so grateful if you would leave a review on Amazon or any of the websites selling the book!) And if you haven’t, I would love it if you did want to pick up a copy, I would be so appreciative. You can purchase it or pre-order here. 

I shared my Avocado Loaf with the guys at Impact Marathon – give it a try! 

Marathon training is slowly getting better… 

It’s been a tough couple of weeks. I had flu that knocked me out for about 3 weeks over Christmas. Then just feeling a bit bleugh since getting back from my recent trip to the US and Mexico. (Also training whilst away was kind of tough and I am not known for my flexibility around marathon training – read more about it in this week’s email). However, things have improved in the last week and I’m hoping that getting back into routine will actually help improve training! I’ve got a big workout today – 3 x 3 miles at MGP with 1 mile recoveries at 1 min slower pace, plus a 3 mile warm up and 2 mile cool down…16 miles total. EEK.

I’m starting a big new project… 

Sorry I also hate when people say that. However, I’m proud that I came up with the idea this week. And it’s already coming together with part one happening next Thursday. It is probably going to be a little bit of a labour of love but there are already so many people helping me that I really hope it’s a success. Can’t wait to reveal more in the next few weeks.

And I’ll leave it with this… I promise to try harder with the blogging and in the meantime, stay up to date on Instagram and weekly(ish) emails – sign up here. Thanks for sticking around xx


  1. Lindsay

    Good Luck on your first week working in the hospital! I hope you do some posts on how you continue to “do it all” while working as a full-time dietitian! Do you have any big fears or concerns? Anything you are super excited about?

  2. Botox Leeds

    Thanks for your sharing your past life experience and I always appreciate true people struggling life stories. Great posting.


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