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Running Advice

Running Advice

The Boston Project Week 1 Training Recap

The Boston Project Week 1 Training Recap

As we kick off The Boston Project training (read all about it here) I'm focusing this week on ACCOUNTABILITY. Finding strategies to keep myself accountable with my training. Texting my coach when I need to make a change or need someone just to check in after a run to...

Setting a Goal for 2021: The Boston Project

Setting a Goal for 2021: The Boston Project

I feel like I lost my identity as a runner this year. I didn't track how many miles I ran, but I know it will have been the lowest total since I started running. As 2020 was coming to a close, I knew I wanted to set a big running goal in 2021. I need to readdress the...

How To Return To Running After Injury

How To Return To Running After Injury

We’ve all been there: after several days/weeks/months on the sofa, you realise that your [insert body part] doesn’t hurt anymore and you enthusiastically lace up ready to make a big comeback. Then one of two things happen: You realise you aren’t as fit as you once...

Trail Running Tips for Beginners

Trail Running Tips for Beginners

I've been doing more trail running recently, purposefully seeking out new routes using the AllTrails app and getting friends to run with me. My fitness is far from where it used to be. But I am loving that on the trails pace doesn't matter so much. It's totally...

The Pros and Cons of Working with An Online Running Coach

The Pros and Cons of Working with An Online Running Coach

It seems like over the last 6+ weeks, we've managed to do a whole lot virtually. Doctors appointments, physio and personal training sessions, dates and dinner parties. Who would have known that a great Saturday night would be Zoom cocktail making following by a...

Is it Worth Hiring a Running Coach?

For my first marathon I followed Hal Higdon's Novice Supreme Training Plan. It was easy to follow, didn't include any 'workouts' and the primary goal was to get me to the end of the 26.2 miles. My second marathon was the NYC Marathon and I had just 10 weeks to prepare...

How To Return To Running After Injury

How To Return To Running After Injury

We’ve all been there: after several days/weeks/months on the sofa, you realise that your [insert body part] doesn’t hurt anymore and you enthusiastically lace up ready to make a big comeback. Then one of two things happen: You realise you aren’t as fit as you once...

Winter Running Tips

Winter Running Tips

We’ve all been there: you’ve got into a great running routine over the summer and autumn, then winter hits like a ton of bricks. It’s cold, it’s dark and suddenly the whole thing looks a lot less appealing.  But they say ‘winter miles for summer smiles’ and there’s...

Trail Running Tips for Beginners

Trail Running Tips for Beginners

I've been doing more trail running recently, purposefully seeking out new routes using the AllTrails app and getting friends to run with me. My fitness is far from where it used to be. But I am loving that on the trails pace doesn't matter so much. It's totally...