Even seeing someone projectile vomit right behind us in the queue to start the colour run couldn’t dampen our spirits before the London Color Run this weekend.
Color/Colour- lets stick with the British spelling from now on.
After reading my recap from last year’s Colour Run I was reminded about the long queues at the start of the race, and we made sure to get to Wembley early enough to ensure that we started near the front of the crowds. Loved the tutus that Leah brought for Ashley and I to wear!
With 4 colour stations, we ran through the first one, PINK, around the 1KM mark.
I don’t know if it was because we were closer to the starting crowds this year, but I felt like the volunteers were more vigorous with their colour throwing than the previous year. It was like running through a wall of colour! Last year I remember getting colour out of boxes and bags during the colour arches, however on Sunday it was certainly not necessary. Very glad we all had sunglasses on and kept our mouths shut through the paint.
It didn’t feel like a full kilometre between each colour, and I think the course was more like 4Km in total. I was completely fine with this, just running with friends to enjoy it. It was a lot of fun, although I do have a similar criticism last year was that there was no music along the course, only in the paint zones. It would have been nice to have had bands or at least speakers between the colour stations.
I carried my phone, money and Oyster card in a zip lock bag which kept them well protected, however I wish I’d brought my waterproof camera like last year to take pictures within the colours! There’s no bag drop so you have to run with whatever you bring with you- or give it to any spectators you might have with you.
Last up was ORANGE.
The course then looped out and back to the finish. We snaked past lots of runners that had only been through one colour- I think some of them were a little horrified when they saw us! I loved high-fiving the kids as we ran down to the finish chute. They kids were so cute and enthusiastic, during my next race I am definitely going to stop to high five people along the course.
On finishing you receive water and a packet of colour to take to the stage for the paint party…
Completely covered!
Not an event to wear your best kit and trainers to, but it is a lot of fun.
Thank you to Living Social UK and Color Run for complimentary race entry to this year’s Color Run. And apologies if you were reading this while eating!
Love it! “the happiest 5km on the planet” sounds like my kind of race! x
Just did the first ever ‘SNOW’ Color Run here in Colorado, USA and it was super fun! The only bad part as I am sure you know, washing out the color! Horrendous!
I know, I had it all over me for days! The Snow color run sounds amazing!