
Active Travel



Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy

Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy

This post is sponsored by Zappos. Nothing worth having comes easy.  I am not a natural runner, I have to work really, really hard. I think my ‘natural’ pace would settle around a 10 min mile, not the 8min mile that I’m hoping to one day run a marathon at. Over the...
Are You Overstating Your Health & Fitness Choices?

Are You Overstating Your Health & Fitness Choices?

As part of my degree course (I’m studying to become a Dieitian) we routinely analyse people’s diets and lifestyles, and make changes and suggestions in line with Government guidelines. And do you know what, there isn’t one single mention of avocado...

21 Day Refined Sugar Ban

Hi I’m Charlie and I am a sugar monster. Everyday around 4pm I start looking around for a sweet treat, often walking up to the vending machine or coffee shop in our building and buying a kitkat or other chocolate bar to enjoy with a cup of tea. You all know I believe...