
Active Travel



Know Your Value

Know Your Value

I have had one too many emails today from a PR or marketing team, wanting to work together, but who aren’t willing (or perhaps in some situations, not able) to pay for my work. Because that’s what this blog is, it’s work. It’s also my hobby, and perhaps that’s where...
Does Blogging Everyday Increase Your Blog Stats?

Does Blogging Everyday Increase Your Blog Stats?

In May I set myself the goal of blogging everyday in June – 30 blog posts in 30 days. I didn’t quite make it due to travel and poor wifi on a few occasions, but I’m pretty proud to have published 29 posts since the 1st June. I had two aims; Firstly,...
How to Take Better iPhone Photos

How to Take Better iPhone Photos

The best camera is the one you have with you, right? I am trying more and more to bring a decent camera around with me, especially as I want to get more into video, however that’s not always practical or logistical. When my Mum asked if I wanted to join her on...
Great bloggers to follow to Improve your own Blog

Great bloggers to follow to Improve your own Blog

I took a bit of a step back from the blog this Bank Holiday weekend and just enjoyed catching up with friends and family, celebrated some friend’s engagement, ate cake at a second birthday party, drank gin at a street fair and played pinball. I ran, took a barre...
What do you blog about?

What do you blog about?

The blogs that I read day in, day out, are the very similar to the blogs that I first found 4 years ago; Daily Garnish, Hungry Runner Girl, Carrots N Cake, Fannetastic Food, Healthy Happier Bear. I originally found them some of them through a Food Blogging...