RunThrough Dorney Lake 10K Race Recap
Dorney Lake on a windy day is brutal.
The wind roars along the straight, flat lake and there’s no hiding from it.
Luckily for me Sunday’s race was actually just a long run with company & a medal at the end of it. I had 10 miles on my plan, easy run/walk which worked out perfectly
My original plan was to run 4 miles before the race…but that didn’t quite happen.
It was clear just how blustery it was out there and I struggled to figure out how many layers to wear. I ran up to collect my bib then back to my car to strip off a long sleeve. I did manage 2 miles before lining up at the start line with Tam and her sister in law, Charlotte. Our plan was to try to get Charlotte a new PB, ideally running under 60 minutes. As soon as we started running into the wind, it became clear that it might be too much of an ask and that just going for a PB of around 65 minutes might be more realistic.
Instead of following a strict run/walk like I usually would (9 minutes run, 1 minute walk), we walked the water station and whenever needed.
Last week was the first time in such a long time that I felt like I was making progress with my running and fitness, and just generally really loving it. I had stuck to my 5 runs that week, 2 gym sessions and 1 yoga class and was really enjoying the process again. I’ve recently started going to a functional fitness gym a couple of times a week – and although it’s not the conventional strength training for runners, it’s definitely a full body workout, and has gotten me stronger, fitter, and more importantly, excited to workout!
The first half of each lap of the race was directly into the wind and all pacing went out the window.
The second half of the lap we would try to pick up the pace a little. Tam and I ran chatting to each other, with Charlotte just a little behind us, keeping pace. She sprinted in to the finish and earned herself a PB! And Katie won the whole race – I need to run with these girls more to get faster!!
It took all my willpower – and the promise of a second flapjack from Lizzie to head back out for my last 1.5 miles to round up to 10 for the day.
I love RunThrough events, they are always so well organised, friendly and supportive.
Packet pickup – on site race morning, you could also do on-the-day race sign ups.
Bag drop – there’s a secure area for bag drop, with baggage tags on the race bibs
Aid Stations – there was one water station on course.
Loos/Bathrooms – porta loos and rowing centre loos – there was also a loo on the course halfway round for emergencies!
Cut off time – 3 hours for the half marathon – the 10K started about 30 mins after the half marathon, whilst the 5K was about 30 mins later.
How much is entry? Race entry for the 5K was £24, 10K £26 and the half marathon was £28.
Post-Race – water, Lucky Saint alcohol free beer, flapjacks and bananas were available at the finish, plus the cafe was open for hot drinks etc.
Parking – parking was free, although for some reason it was along the road inside Dorney Lake rather than in the car parks