
Active Travel



NTC Tabata Workout

Jan 24, 2014 | Uncategorized | 5 comments

It’s Nike Training Club Week. Nike hold free NTC (Nike Training Club) classes across the UK a number of times a week, including Train to Run, Yoga, Run Clubs and the classic NTC full body workout class. This past week, they’ve been hosting daily free workouts, talks and workshops across London. They’re hosting them in other cities across the World during the rest of January (America is next week).

The class on Wednesday was held at Equinox (aka the most incredible gym in London) and included a long warm up, followed by this Tabata workout. It definitely worked up a sweat, and involved some moves that I don’t generally do at the gym.

We were given black tank tops to wear for the class, although not everyone did. I put mine on but wished I was wearing some snazzier leggings- the all black outfit isn’t really my gym style anymore!

If you haven’t tried an NTC class, then I highly recommend signing up if there’s one near you. They are scaled to suit all fitness levels and include exercises that you could easily replicate at home. If you don’t live near one of the host cities, then why not download the Nike Training App to use them to workout in your sitting room, park or gym.

I’ve signed up for a spinning class with NTC on Saturday at Equinox- can’t wait to go back, although I’m a little apprehensive as it’s after a long run. I hope my legs survive!

Have you tried Tabata training? How about an NTC class? What did you think? 


  1. anniegetyourrun

    That sounds awesome! I’ll have to download the app…I don’t think we have any local host gyms. If you’re ever in the Philadelphia area, let me know….I think you’d really like the classes at my gym. It’s very bootcamp, but very fun!

  2. Lucy Edwards

    Sounds great! I’m doing NTC Secret Yoga Club on Sunday evening, really looking forward to it.

  3. CheapRunnerMichelle

    I didn’t realize they offered “classes”…I have their app…and I really like it

  4. kathyqruns

    I love the NTC app, perfect for getting a quick cardio workout without leaving the house!

  5. Kathy Q

    I love the NTC app, perfect for getting a quick cardio workout without leaving the house!


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