When planning my trip to Boston, a lovely blog reader, Laura, emailed me and invited me to join her at the Boston November Project – an offer like that is hard to refuse…even if it was just two days after the marathon.
Laura and her boyfriend, Drew, picked me up from my hotel just after 6am and we drove to Harvard Stadium for our free workout. I wore my Boston Marathon Finishers jacket to make sure EVERYONE knew I’d just run the marathon, and thats why I would be waddling up and down the stairs/watching some of the workout!
Luckily I wasn’t the only crazy at the workout, so I partnered up with fellow Marathoner Cristiaen from Holland and we slowly tackled a loop of the stadium. This involved running up and down each block of stairs in sets of 5 before handing over to your partner to do a set of 5. We only managed 1 loop between us, I’m sure some of the speedsters got round twice!
It was awesome how many people high fived me, or congratulated me on running Boston. Plus I was given a post-workout bagel reward (Pretzel bagel – it was AMAZING!). Everyone was super friendly. Having been to Project Awesome – which is created based on November Project (everything from the sweaty hugs, to the workout and the chants were the same) so I immediately felt at home.
A mega bonus was watching the Harvard Football team practice on the field and getting to dance along to their music.
The November Project was created in Boston back in 2011 at Harvard Stadium, so this is the original workout. This free fitness movement has now spread to over 40 cities around the world (I’m hoping to join the NP San Francisco workout on our honeymoon and get ‘tagged’ meaning you get November Project sprayed onto your clothes!) You can listen to Rich Roll’s podcast with one of founders, Brogan Graham, to learn more about November Project or have a read of the NP website.
As well as donning my Boston Marathon jacket, I also wore an outfit from dhb, one of the running brands available at Wiggle.com. I’d been given the outfit as part of a partnership with them after leading a run for their spring/summer kit launch the day before leaving for Boston.
When I originally saw the price points, I was worried that the kit wouldn’t stand up to to much as is too often the case with high-street athletic gear. But I was so wrong.
Not only was the kit far more flattering than I imagined, with a great fit – it stood up to a quick 5K, a speed workout and the Harvard stairs. Plus I’ve had too many compliments to count on the leggings. They come in a black and white colour combo too which I have my eye on…
The tank top is only £9.99, whilst the leggings are £22 and long sleeve zip up is £15. Such great value and the perfect excuse to top up your workout wardrobe (as if you ever needed one!)
The trainers are really lightweight and again, great value however they weren’t as cushioned or bouncy as the running shoes I’m used to wearing. Personally, these are the only bit of kit that I wouldn’t wear on a long distance run, they just didn’t feel protective enough for my feet/legs (this could be because they’re a more neutral shoe than I’m used to). However, they could be great for shorter runs, those who like a less cushioned shoe or for gym workouts. These shoes are currently on sale for £26.99!!
Wiggle is a very dangerous website to look through given their amazing discounts and great brands – having tested their own brand dhb, I’d definitely look beyond the more well known brands on their site for the great value offered in their own brands. As well as selling running kit, they sell a massive range of cycling, swimming and triathlon gear. Check out how fun this wetsuit is…I think this may be the one I tackle the Henley Classic in next month.
Well done Laura!! 🙂
You should come and join in next time you’re in Boston Lowri!
Congratulations on finishing Boston and then to go for a workout the next day is amazing!
Love the leggings you were running in and what a bargain price 😀
Coffee & Avocados
thank you – yep such a great price, I may have made a rather big shopping list for my summer running/swimming plans on the website last night!
such a hero for showing up two days post marathon!
Have you test the app “GPS TOTAL RUN”? (for android)
it’s used by professionals runners