Tomorrow I’m taking part in a race, but not racing.
Does that make sense? I’m taking part in the Kingston Run Challenge, and using it to complete my last long run before the NYCM. I’m taking part in the 24 mile race, but only actually running 22 miles, then walking the final 2 (actually, apparently the course is a bit short, so it’s only 23.55 miles).
My plan for tomorrow is to use it as a complete practise for the actual marathon. I’ll be getting up early, having my pre-race breakfast, plenty of nuun then taking a taxi (far too early for the bus!) to the start line to get there for 7.15am. The race is 3 laps of 8 miles, and luckily for me I’ve got friends running both the 8 mile race and the 16 mile race, so I won’t be alone for much of my run!
I’m going to be taking Gu gels every 5 miles- alternating between berry and chocolate flavours.
Crucially for this long run, I am not going to be wearing my Nathan Sport hydration vest. For the first time they are banned from the New York City Marathon, so come race day I will be carrying a handheld water bottle and relying on water stations. During the NYCM there are water stations every mile after Mile 3, however during tomorrow’s run they are placed every few miles. I’ll be refilling my water bottle as needed and sipping that whilst I run, as well as drinking a little at most water stations. Luckily they are in cups tomorrow, as they will be during the marathon.
I’m going to be wearing as much of my race day outfit as possible! Certainly, I know that as long as it’s not snowing I will be wearing my trusted Nike capris with plenty of pockets for my gels and phone, as well as my Adidas Boost trainers and my Shock Absorber bra. If the weather holds out tomorrow morning I will be wearing my Lululemon Run Swiftly Tech long sleeve.
I emailed Gia about what my game plan should be for this race, and she suggested the following paces;
Miles 1-8 10.15-10.25 min mile pace
Miles 9-16 10.10-10.15 min mile pace
Miles 16-22 10.00-10.10 min mile pace
Guess she’s looking for negative splits then?!
I’ve downloaded Michael McIntyre’s autobiography as well as the new Bridget Jones Diary on audiobook, to zone out and listen to something funny (I hope!) rather than obsessing on pace.
I’m slightly nervous about the race, as with only 26 women running the 24 miler tomorrow, I am bracing myself that I might come last. Dead last. However, I am excited to be completing my longest training run and earning a medal for it!
In order to make it a successful training run, I need to ensure that I use the race adrenaline to get through the run feeling strong and injury free, but that I don’t get swept up in the race mentality and push it too hard.
I hope you’re having a great weekend, I’m off to lay out my outfit, pin my race number on and get an early night (after watching X Factor, obviously!).
I’m only at 5k at the moment so pretty much just show up (um still trying to figure out whether breakfast before us a good idea or not!). It’s fascinating to here the amount of prep needed for a (much) longer race. Good luck x
I always think breakfast is a good idea before a race, just make sure you have enough time to digest- at least an hour, if not two!