Only 10 weeks to properly train for the New York Marathon, is nerve-racking. I’m putting additional pressure on myself by having a time goal. Sub 4.30. It’s not fast, but it will be nearly 30mins faster than my first marathon. I’m coming off a fairly decent fitness and previous mileage, but it is still going to be tough. I certainly wouldn’t recommend training for a marathon in 10 weeks without previous running experience.
Here are this week’s workouts;
Monday– Barrecore with Nadia
This was seriously hardcore, who knew just pulsing your muscles could burn so much?! I loved/hated this workout, and can totally understand those that swear by it. If the classes weren’t soo expensive (£28 a session in Chelsea) then I would 100% do this class on a weekly basis. The class that we actually attended was a free class as the teacher was practising before becoming fully qualified. I would definitely go with this option again, as our teacher, Tash was awesome and really professional. Plus there were only 4 of us in the class!
Tuesday– Treadmill Run
I completed this 20min treadmill workout, followed by a hardcore foamroller date. I loved this workout as it was constantly changing, and the 10.20 marathon pace felt comfortable. I found the workout on Ashley’s blog, but it was made by Laura (you should read her blog, she’s running her 100th marathon in November!)
Wednesday– Pilates and Track Session
I missed my favourite Pilates class of the week, so went to a different one at lunchtime. I was still so sore from Barrecore that I really struggled with some of the moves in this class. Always good to get a stretch in though! On a Wednesday evening, I help run the Sweaty Betty Sweaty Speed Sessions, track workouts at Regent’s Park track. I completed part of this Ladder Track Workout before the rest of the group arrived for our session.
Thursday– Cycle commute to work, 6 miles each way! Cross-training and commuting rolled into one!
Friday– Crossfit Foundation C
This was my final Foundation class at Crossfit Vauxhall before I move onto the Elements classes. This class focused on handstands, headstands, handstand push ups, ring holds, ring dips and muscle up progressions (yep, some of those words meant nothing to me too!) This was the only foundation class where we actually worked up a sweat. I thought I was going to be a lot better at handstands and headstands than I actually was!
Saturday- Rest
Sunday- 13.1 Miles
I used to dread my long runs during marathon training for London 2012, but this year I’ve got friends to run with which makes them far more enjoyable! Plus I am planning on mixing up my long run routes to keep them interesting. This week’s run was 13.1 miles (a perfect half marathon!), completed with Zoe and Stephanie along the Thames. Our pace was an average of 10.18- the exact average pace we need to run a 4.30 marathon.
I am starting working with a coach next week and I’m excited to get some more running in, as well as sticking to a more structured schedule.
I am running with New York Marathon with 2.09 events, I have a media spot through It’s not too late to sign up to run the NYCM with them this year too. Follow my training on and on the blog!
Amazing training, well done 🙂 You’re gonna smash the marathon. I’m currently sulking as climbing Ben Nevis has killed my knees and I can’t run at the moment. Hoping I won’t have to pull out of Run to the Beat next Sunday!
Also, I need to get a foam roller, any recommendations? x
The grid foamrollers are KILLER but really work ! Alternatively, try one like this one- the heavier/denser the more it works!
Running with friends definitely makes the long runs more enjoyable.
I am aiming for a 4:30 marathon at my next in October too, although I’ve been out of action, injured, for the past three weeks so I feel it slipping out of my reach now. 🙁
ooh which marathon are you running in Oct? Hope you recover soon!