I’m writing this on the plane from Istanbul back to London, realising that it has been a long (long) time since I wrote a personal, catch up post like this.
After spending the weekend in Newcastle with my most straight shooting friend, Corey, she told me that I needed to get back to basics with the blog, and that meant more personal posts.
Life Lately: September 2019
So, if we were having coffee together I would tell you….
I’ve finished my degree!
That I’m so relieved to have finally finished my degree. And am beyond thrilled to have earned a 2.1 (I’m not sure what the US equivalent is). But it was definitely touch and go as to whether my dissertation would pull my grade up or down! Although no-one has ever asked me about the result of my first degree (Geography, I got a 2.1, thanks for asking!) However, after looking at hospital dietetic jobs, I realised that most of them require a 2.1 or first to even apply!
I have posts planned about being a mature student and my whole journey (plus advice) to become a dietitian in the UK coming soon.
What’s next? Well the reality is that I am looking for a job, but not with any sense of urgency. I’m enjoying working on my blog and book for a while. But will ideally find a part time hospital or community job in October/November.
I’ve been so lucky with my travel schedule this summer, with trips to France, Greece, Canada, Hawaii and Turkey. Some of it for work, some for fun! I would tell you that I had the best time. And can’t wait to share more about my road trip in Canada. I’ve also had some requests for a post on my Turkey trip.
If we were having coffee I would explain how thrilled I was to be involved in the New Balance women’s catalogue 2020 and cannot wait to share the pics and interview. Shooting in Hawaii on the Jurassic Park set was a dream!
I would share that I feel a bit worried that I’m travelling too much. That my content isn’t as relatable now that I’m not balancing ‘all the things’ and marathon training. It’s something I’ve been thinking about over the past few weeks especially as my travel content doesn’t seem to resonate with as many of you on instagram! However, I love travelling and am excited for my upcoming trips to Qatar, Chicago, New York and Nepal!
Ultimately I create the content for you (although I love sharing!). I have been so touched by the comments on today’s instagram that has made me feel a lot more confident about continuing to post what I’m posting already.
After taking a long break from training this summer, I’m so excited to be back and base building, with my eyes on a spring marathon!
Let me be real, coming back is hard! And I feel so intimidated by some of the paces that I’m going to have to run for that BQ. Currently, anything faster than an 8.30 makes me nervous and question my fitness and speed.
I’m signed up for the Nepal Impact Half Marathon and the Chicago 5K. But am on the hunt for some more UK based races in December and January! Got to have a medal to get through those colder long runs!
As well as building up my running base, I’ve started a strength challenge hosted by Danielle Pascente called Strong in Fall. The workouts are tough and I feel sore after every session but it’s forcing me back into the gym!
My book
It’s gone to the publishers! It’s all suddenly feeling so real and I’m so excited to be able to start sharing some of the recipes with you.
There’s recipes from elite runners including Kara Goucher, Molly Huddle and Sara Hall, plus legends Deena Kastor and Kathrine Switzer alongside some of my favourites, homemade running fuel and post-run treats. You can pre-order it here.
If you have any questions on the process, I’ve got a blog with behind the scenes info and my experience of writing a book coming soon. (As well as some teaser recipes that I’m allowed to share this week I hope.) Leave your questions in the comments!
The travel side isn’t relatable as it comes across quite privileged and completely unrealistic to the average person working 9-5, with 20 days holiday a year. Don’t do things just for instagram, just do whatever you would do anyway. It comes across very contrived and fabricated when “influencers” do sponsored press trips. Normal life is surprisingly much more interesting, whether that’s running/work/social life- that’s probably why people like those type of posts.
appreciate your honesty Joe. Only a couple of days of this summer was a press trip (Edmonton & Jasper) the rest have all been personal travel or working abroad (Hawaii) but I totally get your point. And I realise that as a student and now freelance, I have a lot more time to travel than the average 20 days. Will definitely take on board your comment! Thanks.
I enjoy the travel posts but agree somewhat with Joe about the relatability and how realistic it is for your readers to take similar trips. Maybe it would help to add a bit of info at the top of these posts about whether the trip is/was sponsored vs personal vs working abroad. Keep up the great work!
I do try to ensure that I do include that info, but will make sure I ensure it’s as clear as possible!
which spring marathon are you looking into? also trying to find one to keep me running through the cold months!
Looking for something in Feb – potentially Seville!
I’d highly recommend the Fred Hughes 10 in St Albans if you’re looking for a January race that’s a good test of fitness. 10 miles of rolling hills in the countryside & a really well-organised event. Entries: https://www.activetrainingworld.co.uk/events/2020/01/19/Fred_Hughes_10?fbclid=IwAR2qb2r31_ktxKFBDPOnE352sN7ssoSU5UvKPA3QPy5mhj7Z0hyeCgpW6iI
And my race recap from this year: https://taplatt.wordpress.com/2019/01/21/race-recap-fred-hughes-10-2019/
ooh thanks so much! will take a look xx
I love the travel posts- I’d love to be able to travel as much as you so enjoy living vicariously! I work full time and I enjoy being able to take inspiration for my own trips. I’ve always found you to be very relatable, regardless of what type of post it is, and trust that you’re always honest about things. Your content is wonderful 🙂
Lisa this has made my day, thank you xx
I personally love the travel posts! I’m also in a job where I have a decent amount of vacation and time off and love to fill that with travel. Yours is a blog that I go to when I’m seeing if any of my favorite bloggers have been somewhere and have recommendations! So please don’t stop posting travel! Although I also love these coffee catch up posts as well.
Thanks Alyssa – hope I can provide recommendations to some travel destinations in the future too!
While I don’t do a lot of travel due to some financial restraints, time off work, and a huge fear of flying… I really enjoy your travel posts! I live vicariously through you and love seeing all the great photos and content you post. Keep doing what your heart leads you to do!! We feel your authenticity.
Thank you so much Sarah! really appreciate your comment and I totally live vicariously through a number of bloggers!
I’ve really enjoyed reading about your running experiences and travel over the last few years, but I wonder if you consider the impact of all your travel on the planet. In January you wrote about sustainability and using a reusable coffee cup, but in this blog you mention travel to France, Greece, Canada, Hawaii and Turkey + future travel to Qatar, Chicago, New York and Nepal. Surely all this travel will leave an enormous carbon footprint. Isn’t this a time to be writing about travel and races closer to home rather than encouraging people to aspire to multiple long flights every year.
Totally get your point and it’s something that I do think about. My husband works in the aviation industry (and frankly we rely on to pay our mortgage!) and to be fully honest, I’m taking full advantage of the staff travel perks. Personally, I think that its about celebrating the things that each individual can do to make changes to reduce their carbon footprint rather than focusing on what they aren’t doing. I find it totally overwhelming all the things we’re ‘supposed’ to be doing, but just try to do my best. And currently that’s making small changes like taking a reusable cup and coffee mug.
I love your blog! I am jumping back into running after a break and I am finally training for my first half marathon. I find the task overwhelming at first but your blog and Instagram is for sure a place of encouragement that creates an environment of positivity and honesty. I love running when I travel and it reminds us that no matter where we are we can always explore the places we live in or are just visiting for a while.
A big fan from the United States,
Thank you so so much Christine! Really appreciate your comment and so excited that you’re training for your first half marathon! That’s amazing, which one are you going to run? xx
I really enjoy your travel posts. I am one of those weird people who actually love hearing about other people’s holidays (and seeing the photos)- if I’ve been there it brings back great memories, and if I haven’t then it’s good inspiration. I do like the regular posts too, but really I think the best posts are the ones that people want to write, whether that is about marathon training or meeting a friend for coffee.