
Active Travel



British 10K London Run Race Recap

Jul 11, 2016 | Race Recaps | 10 comments

At 11pm on Saturday night I was on the dance floor, gin in hand, singing my lungs out to Bon Jovi…

Charlotte and Nick's wedding 9th July 2016

by 11am on Sunday morning I had crossed the finish line of the British 10K London Run!

British 10K London Run

It wasn’t an easy start to the day, after spending the night at my parent’s house (quite near the wedding), my alarm was set for 7am. I’d been dreading the journey into town so was pleased when my Mum said she would come with me to watch the race.

On our walk to the start line she told me that I was far too relaxed about racing these days, which is pretty true, however I knew that the goal was just to make it to the finish line yesterday, so it was nothing to get worked up over!

Note for runners – as we left the tube station there were volunteers helping direct us to the start, loads of loos on the way to the corrals, easy bag drop, changing facilities, and information desks. Brilliant organisation!!

I found Fleur in the blue start zone, as well as some of the other running blogger girls, and talked race plans. For most of us it was all about enjoying the race and getting to the finish line. After running a disastrous hungover 10K a few years ago, I was just hoping to get to the end without having to stop, and if I could finish under an hour it would be a bonus.

British 10K London Run

British 10k London Runs

We all started about 10 mins after the first gun went off and settled into a very easy pace. The first KM took us up Regent Street, round Piccadilly and up to Charing Cross.

British 10K London Run

Immediately after starting I wished that I had gone to the loo again and spent the first three kilometres looking for a porta loo. Luckily there were some positioned just after the first water station. I lost the girls as I stood in the queue for a while – not ideal.

However, as soon as I started running after my bathroom break I felt better, and quickly increased my pace, catching back up with Fleur, Elle and Helen who were walking. As I ran past I grabbed Fleur’s arm and pulled them along with me for a bit. We agreed that it was like running through treacle, and so humid out there. We were all seriously sweating. I walked through all three water stations trying to drink as much as I could!

I wasn’t wearing a watch so had no idea of pace, but I tried to pick it up during the second 5K, particularly as we came down the Embankment and saw my Mum for the last time. (Note from my Mum – having watched a lot of races, she said this was one of the easiest to spectate, and she thinks if we’d been more organised she could have hopped to even more locations!)

British 10K London Race recap

As we turned onto Westminster Bridge with 2K to go I could see the 1 hour pacer (Sasha) up about 200m ahead of me – I knew I could catch her and then some. I managed to cross in 59 minutes flat…. and with the last of the hangover behind me. I can’t wait to run next year and go for a new 10K PB – loved the course, the spectators, the wonderful volunteers, and the great organisation. You can actually already pre-register for the 2017 race!! 

British 10K London Run

Ever run with a hangover? Would you have turned up to the race after a wedding (or signed up for one in the first place?!) 


  1. healthyhappierbear

    Love these pics and that hot pink tank!! Congrats on getting it done!

  2. twinsintrainers

    SO impressive that you got out and did this! I would optimistically sign up thinking it would be fine, and would either drunkenly decide not to do it the night before or end up pressing snooze and miss it 🙂

    • charlotte

      I did question my sanity first thing on Sunday morning!

  3. Shapin' Up

    Way to get after it following a wedding, that’s not easy! I’m considering signing up for the SF half but it falls during a weekend when I have friends visiting and we are planning to go wine tasting in Napa the day before the race…good idea or bad idea? Still not sure 🙂

    • charlotte

      DO IT! You only live once!

  4. Nicole

    looks like a very cool course. you’re such a hero burning the candle at both ends.

  5. W. Purves.

    What a day! Well done. G.

  6. Rebecca

    Wow, that’s a huge medal

  7. Laura

    I ran with the Mossley 10km this weekend with a hangover and got my slowest 10km in years!!! So glad I did it though as I would have been feeling sorry for myself at home under the duvet otherwise!


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