But let’s focus on the positives, and that with 10 weeks to go until the Berlin Marathon, I feel strong, fast and fit.
Monday- Arms and Abs workout and 45min sports massage.
Tuesday- Tempo Tuesday! 1 mile warm up, 4 miles @ 8.25 pace, 1 mile cool down. I felt like this pace was fairly easy to maintain, and I wasn’t constantly clock watching like I have been in the past. My usual route takes me up and over two bridges, which affects the pace a little but it’s lovely not having to negotiate too many roads or pedestrians!
Wednesday- 1hr Boxing Class
Thursday- Progression Run- 9.32, 9.12, 9.03, 8.50, 8.31, 8.13
I spend A LOT of the time staring at the watch, and having to speed up/slow down as necessary.
Friday- 4 X 800m repeats, aka. Yasso 800s. I’m going to be including these in all future training weeks, using them as speed work but as a great way to see whether I’m ready to hit my pace target.
I did these on the treadmill, partly as I don’t live that close to a track, partly because it was hot, and partly as I had no idea how to pace myself for the 800s.
3.45, 3.45, 3.43, 3.41 – with the same amount of active recovery between each
I didn’t find these too tough, however I think outside would be a different ballgame!
Saturday- Rest
Sunday- 14 lovely peaceful sunny miles around Hyde Park. I was told to take this slow and steady, zone out to music and plod along. Average pace 9.03.
Running through Kensington Palace, and through the park. It was almost completely empty, like having it as my personal garden! There were a few other runners out and about enjoying the quiet and coolness at 6am, then as I continued to run loops it became a little busier, with the cafes along the Serpentine opening and swimmers starting to do their laps. I’d love to finish a run here to enjoy a cold drink and breakfast at the Lido Cafe (after enjoying a lovely glass of wine there on Friday evening.)
Hope you had a great week and weekend.
I am looking forward to hearing your views on Berlin. I am considering running it next year. Hope everything is ok outside of training. x
Oh how I miss the beauty of Hyde Park and sad I never got to run there. Awesome workout!
Sounds like you are doing great with your training plan! I have been so distracted with “life” it seems like I can’t even find time to get a short little run in here and there which is rather frustrating. I am a little jealous of your 14 miles, not only that you can do that many but also that you had that time to yourself to just relax and run 🙂 Enjoy!