
Active Travel



ClassPass London Aerial Yoga

Feb 4, 2016 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

There are over 300 studios in London on ClassPass, and yet I seem to go to my same favourite 10 over and over again. In an attempt to try a new studio, the ClassPass girls and I signed up for one of the Aerial yoga classes.

Tucked off a side street near Chalk Farm is the cute Skylab studio (which actually doubles as the instructor, Astra’s flat!). We joined an open class, suitable for all levels – although I think we were the only beginners in our class. The sessions are small, with only about 6 in an average class – crucial for teacher attention when you’re learning technical skills.

Aerial Yoga classpass london

We were upside down within moments of the class starting!

hanging upside down Classpass aerial yoga

Jaimie Classpass Aerial yoga

We used the silks/hammocks almost in place of a TRX for a full body workout, working the arms, abs and glutes/legs. After practising a few inversions, we moved on to a core workout, completing planks, press ups and crunches whilst hanging upside down. It was as hard as it sounds and we worked up quite a sweat!

The felt really supportive although they were a little uncomfortable, especially in the groin area! Plus my hands were really starting to hurt from pulling myself up on the fabric – I think one of the girls in our class had special gloves on!

Skylab aerial yoga Classpass

We didn’t have as much hands on instruction as I thought we might, perhaps because we picked it up quite quickly? For once, having some strength rather than flexibility worked in my favour in this yoga class- although not quite as much arm strength as required!

The best and worst part of the class was the stretching portion, there was a lot of hip opening and hamstring stretches that I am always in need of.

Classpass Aerial Yoga Skylab

One of the best bits of any yoga class (in my opinion) is Savasana aka corpse pose, and this was no exception. Cocooned in the hammock, I could have drifted off to sleep quite easily! But I had a Lululemon sale to go to, and another more advanced class was coming into the studio – we watched them for a few moments as they practised a lot of fancy and impressive tricks in silks and hoops!

Give Aerial yoga a try if you’re looking to try something new, in need of a new challenge, or love yoga and want to explore another side of it – it’s a brilliant class to try with some friends or would make a fun hen party activity. However it’s probably one to avoid if you don’t like being upside down or have high blood pressure/injuries/heart conditions! Classes are included on ClassPass or cost £15 for a drop in.

savasana classpass aerial yoga


  1. TaleOfTwoRuns

    That sounds pretty amazing. I am struggling with being a newbie in the kind of yoga where your feet actually touch the floor 😛 Can’t imagine being able to do that yet! Btw I love your blog! I just moved to London from NYC. I am a blogger and fitnessnut as well and I was so happy to find your blog! It has so much info on local fitness to do 😀 Thanks

  2. Andreea Sandu

    Thanks for the review. I’ll put it on my todo list 🙂

  3. Sebastian

    I am a fan of yoga but I haven’t tried aerial yoga yet. Will definitely do this soon. 😀


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