
Active Travel



A Bad Day

Jan 15, 2013 | Nutrition | 2 comments

Why is it that when something goes wrong in my day, it seems to have a negative effect on everything else. I’m not talking huge problems, just irritations, or minor setbacks. But why don’t I look at what has gone wrong and make a conscious effort to make it the only thing that goes wrong that day. Instead, as a consequence, I end up making bad food choices, life choices (staying in bed until 2pm on Saturday) and not getting any exercise.
The day becomes even worse, I feel annoyed with myself and the ‘cause’ of my bad day. My bad food choices only make me feel better whilst I eat them (sometimes not even that long!) and then I feel crappy.
This weekend, I had a brilliant Friday night out with friends for my friend’s birthday. Too many gin and tonic’s were drunk, ping pong was played badly and a lot of fun was had. So much fun infact, that I stayed in bed until 2pm the next day…(worth it).

But I made some rather poor nutritional choices over the next two days, that in no way made up for my gin ingestion. When I am feeling a little fragile after alcohol, I tend to crave fried foods… These courgette fries were delicious, as were the onion rings and chicken burger I had with them. (Let’s pretend the noodle takeaway I had on Saturday night didn’t happen as there is no photographic evidence!)

On Sunday, I was treated by a very lovely colleague to this sweet cupcake and latte, got me through the day but did make me feel guilty.

Yesterday I had a pretty stressful, long day at work where a few things did not go as planned. Oh and the weather outside was gross. I wanted something comforting to eat for lunch, instead of soup or salad that I would normally choose, I went with a full on Mac n Cheese- not very nutritious. It also made me feel sluggish for the rest of the afternoon, and when work ran late and I missed my planned exercise class, surprise surprise, I bailed on doing a workout on my own instead.
Luckily, today is a new day. I chose a healthy breakfast of porridge topped with blueberries and hit the gym for a 25min cardio session on the treadmill and some arms and abs on the PowerPlates. My morning was better because of the positive start, and I felt more productive. I also find when I start the day with a good breakfast and some sort of workout, I tend to make better food and life choices throughout the day.

I was in for a real surprise when I weighed myself at the gym this morning:
Weekly Weigh in last week:66.1kg
This Week: 64.8kg
WHAT! I totally don’t deserve any weight loss this week, but maybe it’s lifes way of saying ‘Keep at it’. I will take it.
I think what I am trying to say is that, you can turn a bad day into a good day (or a less bad day) by making good choices from the bad point onwards.
Often, a chocolate cupcake is a good choice.

I hope you have all had a good start to your week!


  1. sweatyescapades

    I am very much the same in terms of one bad decision really screwing up the rest of my day. Are those courgette chips from Byrons? I had some last friday that looked exactly the same!

    • Charlie

      Yes they are, good spot. I love courgette fries!


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